Löbauer/Zittau residents finding unconventional paths abroad
Several residents of Löbau and Zittau have embarked on unique life journeys abroad, seeking new experiences and adventures. Among them is Frank Jähne, known locally as the “Malzmönch,” who made the decision to retire in Slovenia with his wife Monika.
A life of traditions broken by love
“Fast 60 Jahre lief der Alltag von Frank Jähne in vorgegebenen Bahnen. Für ihn stand felsenfest, dass er niemals fliegen, nicht in einem Wohnmobil schlafen und keinesfalls aus Neugersdorf wegziehen würde. Bis er vor elf Jahren seine Moni kennenlernte, war er sich sicher, diesen Prinzipien treu zu bleiben. Der heute 68-Jährige erinnert sich an ihre erste Begegnung: ‘Wir haben uns gesehen, in den Arm genommen und seitdem nicht mehr losgelassen.'”
For almost 60 years, Frank Jähne led a life firmly rooted in routines and traditions. He was certain that he would never fly, sleep in a motorhome, or leave his hometown of Neugersdorf. However, everything changed when he met Moni eleven years ago. The 68-year-old reminisces about their first encounter, saying, “We saw each other, embraced, and we haven’t let go since.”
A familiar face in the Oberland beer train
Frank Jähne gained local recognition as the “Malzmönch” during his involvement with the Oberland beer train. This jovial character has now embarked on a new chapter of his life, residing in Slovenia with his beloved wife Monika.
Despite a life dedicated to tradition and routine, Frank Jähne’s love for Moni has led him to embark on an unexpected adventure in Slovenia. This change of scenery has allowed him to explore new possibilities and embrace a different way of life.